Read NCA's Statement on COVID-19

Statement of Commitment, Policy and Plan

This accessibility policy and plan outlines National Concrete Accessories (“NCA”) commitment to accessibility and identifies the policies and actions that NCA has implemented to improve opportunities for people with disabilities following the requirements communicated under the Integrated Accessibility Standards, Ontario Regulation.

Statement of Commitment

National Concrete Accessories is committed to providing a barrier free environment for all stakeholders who will enter our premises, access our information, purchase or sell to and from our business, or be considered for employment within the organization. NCA respects and upholds the requirements set forth under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and its associated standards and regulations. We are committed to equal opportunity and meeting the needs of individuals with disabilities in a timely manner. NCA understands that we have a responsibility for ensuring a safe, dignified, and welcoming environment for everyone.

Policy and Plan


Accessibility policies

NCA has taken the following steps to ensure that the requirements around policy implementation and delivery have been met:

  • Statement of commitment is posted on Company website and in Ontario locations.
  • Policies and procedures have been reviewed to ensure compliance and where barriers to accessibility have been identified. A process is in place to address and overcome all barriers.
  • Documents have been created to support internal processes such as: individualized employee accommodation planning, workplace emergency response planning, and return to work planning.


NCA has taken the following steps to ensure that training is completed on the requirements of the Integrated Standards and the Ontario Human Rights Code as it relates to people with disabilities:

  • Provided training materials to all employees, permanent or temporary, to address the requirements of the Integrated Standard including information about achieving accessibility by 2021, and on the disability-related regulations obligations under the Human Rights Code.
  • Delivered and tailored the training in a way that is appropriate for the audience, and the needs of NCA.
  • Tracked and recorded the training via NCA’s online training portal.
  • Ensured that all new employees are completing the training as soon as possible after their start date, and each time changes to any policies or processes are made.

Self serve kiosks

At this time, NCA does not utilize kiosks. However, if kiosks become a part of NCA’s business in the future, they will be designed, procured and acquired taking into consideration the needs of individuals with disabilities.

Information and Communication Standard

Accessible websites and web content

NCA is committed to meeting the communication needs of people with disabilities and meeting the requirements of WCAG 2.0, Level A and WCAG 2.0, Level AA. By 2021, NCA will:

  • Complete an audit to ensure that all current website content adheres to the requirements of the WCAG 2.0, Levels A and AA.
  • Update the content as soon as possible if we are found non-compliant with the WCAG.
  • Ensure that all new content added to the company website is compliant and conforms to the WCAG guidelines.


NCA ensures that all individuals can provide feedback in an accessible way, and that the company can offer a variety of formats for response. We do this by:

  • Providing multiple methods for feedback such as in writing, via email, by phone, or in person at one of our locations
  • Considering and implementing those accessible formats or communication supports required elsewhere in the Integrated Standard.

Accessible Formats and Communication Supports

NCA has taken the following steps to ensure that external stakeholders are provided with information in accessible formats and/or provided with communication supports upon request:

  • Ensuring all requests for communication supports or accessible formats are handled in a timely manner by the HR Director and Manager in the location of where the request was made at no additional cost.
  • Provide members of the public with information on how to submit complaints/feedback.
  • Ensure that where an accessible format or communication support can not be provided, NCA consults with the requestor to arrange for an alternative suitable format as soon as possible.

Emergency procedures

Information on emergency procedures, evacuation plans, or public safety is available in accessible formats and upon request to all stakeholders of National Concrete Accessories.

Employment Standards

Recruitment, Assessment and Selection

NCA is committed to fair and accessible employment practices. We have implemented the following steps to notify the public that we will accommodate people with disabilities during the recruitment and candidate screening process:

  • NCA has posted an accessibility statement on our online careers page, notifying applicants that reasonable accommodations will be made upon request to ensure that individuals with disabilities are allowed equal opportunities to participate in our recruitment efforts.
  • Ensure that candidates are notified when they are individually selected to participate in the selection or assessment process that NCA will provide accommodations in relation to the materials or processes required during the selection process.
  • Consult with applicants to support them through the recruitment process in a way that suits their needs.
  • Notifying successful applicants of NCA’s policies for accommodating employees with disabilities.

Documented Individual Accommodation plans

NCA has implemented a process for the development of individual accommodation plans for employees with disabilities. To ensure compliance in this area, NCA has:

  • Developed and implemented a written process for employees with disabilities, which includes:
  1. The manner in which the employee can request the need for an individual accommodation plan, and the parties involved in developing the plan (including the active participation of the employee themselves.)
  2. The manner in which others in the organization will be approached for participation in the development of the plan.
  3. The steps that will be taken to ensure that the privacy of the employee is respected.
  4. The frequency and circumstances under which the plan will reviewed and/or updated.
  5. The means by which the employee is assessed on an individual basis
  6. The manner in which the employer can request an evaluation by an outside medical/other expert, at the expense of NCA, to assist NCA in determining if accommodation can be achieved, and how.

Workplace Emergency Response Information

NCA has provided individualized workplace emergency response information and accommodations to our employees with disabilities if the disability is such that the individualized information is necessary and if National Concrete Accessories is aware of the need for accommodation.

Accessible Formats and Communication Supports for Employees

Upon request, NCA provides information that is needed to perform the employees duties as well as general information available in the workplace to employees with disabilities in accessible formats by:

  • Communicating the availability of accessible formats and communication supports upon hire.
  • Working with individuals where a request is made, on the most suitable format or communication support for the information to be delivered.
  • Working with other individuals in the workplace who may be responsible for delivering new and updated information to the employee to ensure that it is delivered in an accessible format.
  • Ensure consent is obtained from the employee prior to involving others in the accommodation.

Processes to Accommodate Employee Return to Work process

NCA has implemented a process to develop accommodation plans and return to work plans for employees who have been absent from work due to a disability. In order to achieve this NCA has:

  • Developed updated return to work and accommodation forms to provide and consult with the employee and their healthcare provider, with the employees consent.
  • Ensured that all forms, accommodation and return to work plans are retained on file in a confidential location.
  • Ensured that all information provided in the employee accommodation or return to work forms is adhered to with the appropriate job modification if necessary and appropriate timelines as stated by healthcare providers and agreed to by the employee.

Accessible Performance Management, Career Development and Job Changes

NCA takes the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities into account, including any individual accommodation plans, when implementing the performance management and career development process by:

  • Ensuring that individual accommodation plans are consulted prior to reviews to understand the employee needs and determine whether adjustments are needed in these plans to improve job performance.
  • Providing related documents in accessible formats.
  • Providing coaching opportunities and feedback delivery that takes into consideration the employees disability.
  • Considering accommodations that employees with a disability may require in order to succeed in other areas or departments within the organization, taking on new responsibilities in their current role, or if redeployment is necessary.

Design of Public Spaces

NCA will meet the Accessibility Standards for the Design of Public Spaces when building or making major modifications to public spaces. At the present time, NCA does not plan on developing or redeveloping any of its public spaces, as defined in the Design of Public Spaces Standard.

For questions, concerns, or to request more information on this accessibility plan, please contact us at: [email protected]