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BT Innovation

The BT-Spannschloss means that prefabricated concrete parts can be connected without any additional materials or resources. Without any need to comply with cure times, the connection can immediately bear a full load and thus generates significant time and cost savings in comparison to other established systems.

  • Quick, effective connection of construction elements
  • Building elements can be clamped without additional materials or special resources
  • Can be combined with all authorised anchorage systems
  • Low net weight
  • Resistant to tensile and shear forces
  • Cost and time savings through reduction of assembly times and elimination of cure times
  • No need for time-consuming individual solutions
  • Can be assembled whatever the weather
  • Precise positioning of the anchor in the manufacturing process via BT magnet technology
  • Approval from the DiBt (German Institute for Building Technology) Berlin)
  • Static verification of the chosen construction connection
  • Weight: 1,00 kg
  • a: 90 mm
  • b: 90 mm
  • c: 65 mm
  • d: 30 mm
  • e: 18 mm
  • f: 45 mm
  • g: 32 mm
  • Certification
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