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How to prepare and apply concrete sealer


Concrete sealers offer protection and aesthetic appeal essential to many residential and commercial projects. We carry a wide range of concrete sealers to choose from depending on UV stability, abrasion resistance, and project requirements you wish to achieve. We recommend you apply sealer when the concrete temperature is between 5º C to 25º C in thin coats by a sprayer or roller. Choosing the best Acrow-Richmond concrete sealer for your project can seem overwhelming and confusing. With many options on the market (that serve many different purposes), it’s best to do your research to avoid any issues and fully understand your project needs before hand.


Step 1

Apply concrete cleaner/degreaser diluted with water and lightly scrub the area with a brush to clear up any stains on the surface. 

Concrete Sealer Brush


Step 2

Use a low or medium-pressure spray tip to clean out any dirt and debris from the surface. Follow manufacturer directions on the sealer product label and technical datasheet.

Pressure washer


Step 3

Use a large paintbrush and lightly apply sealer on any hard-to-reach edges and seams.


Step 4 - Roller or Sprayer Option

Roller and paint tray must be solvent resistant

Roll the sealer using a nap solvent-resistant roller (preferred 3/8”) with a thin coat as you go along with each section (avoid back rolling). If you encounter sealer build-up, roll the brush over it to push the excess forward. Do not saturate the roller with the sealer, as this can cause dripping and heavy areas which discolor the concrete.


Concrete driveway sealer - roller



Sprayer - solvent resistant industrial/commercial grade

Pour the sealer into the sprayer and pump to create pressure. Spray lightly and evenly in a back-and-forth pattern keeping the .5GPM nozzle tip 8 to 12 inches from the surface to ensure a smooth coat. Lightly back-roll immediately over the applied areas as you continue to spray to even out the coverage while eliminating any overlapped sections.


Concrete driveway sealer - sprayer


It's important to note that over-application can cause numerous problems such as resin strings, bubbling, and whitening. We recommend that you follow the manufacturer's directions on the sealer product label and technical datasheet.



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If you have any questions about concrete sealers, contact us or give us a call at 1-888-777-9272 – we’d love to hear from you!
To learn more about the sealers available at NCA, browse our products selection today.



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